Well our Salt Lake Shoot was a huge success and lots of fun! Thanks to all of you that came to participate and support us, we are always so thankful!

Our money class winners were: (l-r) 4th place Clint Roberts(Highland), 3rd place, Steve Thompson(West Weber), 2nd place Chance Platt(Lehi), 1st place Tim Gillingham(Provo) with a 110 points!

The winners of our Trophy class were: (l-r) 1st Place and winner of Humphries Taxidermy head mount was Shaun Larsen(Payson), 2nd place Jeremy Johnson(Orem), 3rd place Jace Sagers(American Fork), 4th place James Shumway(Highland)

The winners of our Women's Class were: (l-r) 1st place Jody Bates(Lehi), 2nd place Keslie Roberts(Sandy), and 3rd place Kirsten(Centerville)

These are all of our women's class shooters! Thanks for coming out and participating!
Thanks again to all of you shooters! You are the reason we are here! Thanks for your commitment and support!
Hope to see you all at the Richfield Shoot March 25 and 26!